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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Huckabee's Grand Slam

Huckabee's Grand Slam
October 20, 2007
David Brody
CBNNews.com - Talk about impressive. What Mike Huckabee did today in his speech at the Value Voters Summit Saturday was cement his reputation as a great speaker. Is he the next great communicator?
I've covered a few of Huckabee's speeches and he's always funny and clear. But he took it to another level today. He was as sharp as a tack. He came with a purpose. Three purposes in fact.
First of all, he started his speech talking tough on fighting terrorism. The whisper campaign against him is that he may not be up for the fight with radical jihadists. Huckabee's speech though was full of "we're gonna get them" talk. Clearly, this weak on terrorism perception has been communicated to him and by leading his speech with terrorism Saturday and speaking forcefully, he addressed it head on.
Then he addressed the electability issue. There's this idea that he's VP material or can't win a General Election. Huckabee riled the crowd up and said nonsense. They loved it and rose to their feet.
Finally, he came with a very straightforward purpose. He told the crowd that he's one of them. He is a value voter. The crowd gave him standing ovation after standing ovation.
The speech was part policy, part tent revival. He was in full Pastor mode throwing out the Bible references left and right. The people I talked to afterwards were very impressed.

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